Erecting a boundary doesn’t mean you’re restricting yourself; it means you’re taking back control. While there are many fence types to choose from, chain link fences have long been seen as the utilitarian’s choice, but there’s much more to them than meets the eye. Here are five surprising facts about chain link fences you probably didn’t know.

Fact 1: Durability Beyond Expectations

Don’t underestimate the strength of this weave. Chain link fences are much stronger than people give them credit for. They’re typically crafted from materials such as galvanized steel or aluminum, making them resistant to the elements. Unlike wooden fences that rot, composite fences that warp, or vinyl fences that become brittle under intense sunlight, chain link fences endure. This material is engineered to weather storms and seasons, maintaining its integrity for years.

Fact 2: Eco-Friendly Benefits

More and more people these days are looking for ways to reduce their environmental footprint. If you’re among this group, you’ll be pleased to discover that chain link fences are one of the more eco-friendly options on the fencing market. They’re 100 percent recyclable, and their open weave design allows more sunlight to filter through, which can support local ecosystems by helping plants thrive along the fence line.

Fact 3: Customization Options

Gone are the days when chain link fences were associated with being bland. One thing many people don’t know about chain link fences is that you can find a variety of colors and styles for them. Colored vinyl coatings can add a pop of personality, often making these fences a canvas for local art or messages. Size matters, too—chain links can be tailored from waist height to towering structures, making it suitable not just for a perimeter’s sake but also to fit various aesthetics.

Fact 4: Cost-Effectiveness

In the world of fencing, chain links reign as one of the thriftiest options. Its initial cost is lower than many alternatives, but its benefits continue beyond the installation. There’s the absence of maintenance costs, like those associated with staining or yearly painting, and should you desire, upgrades like slats for added privacy or security systems are affordable and easily incorporated.

Fact 5: Not Always Permanent

One might assume that chain link fences are cemented into the ground, never to be moved again. This isn’t always the case. Temporary chain link fencing is a useful option for event planners, construction site managers, or homeowners looking to remodel their homes. This mobility makes chain links surprisingly versatile—they can protect property lines one day and then be sent back to the rental company the next.

If chain link fence rentals sound like the perfect option for your current needs, then is here to help. We have a wide variety of options available that will be able to help you achieve the goals of a proper fence line without having to make it permanent.